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Portrait de Léa

Free your Music

A Journey towards Your Voice

 oiseau coloré

Online journey

Mid-September  to mid-November 2022


Freeing our Music is  expressing our Voice,

without perfection.

Be ourself, authentic.



I am inviting you to explore the beautiful instrument that is your voice through different exercices, games and vocal exploration practices, as well as learning easy chants and improvising. Within a safe and caring space, you will meet your voice with all its colours, and let yourself vibrate fully.


This journey has been designed so you can move forward at your own rythm et welcome yoursell in depths with love, patience and softeness. The accompaniment and support will take place during live group sessions as well as a private Facebook group. 



Remove blockages and beliefs around your voice and speaking out

Improve your ability to be seen/heard, to be you in front of a group, to take your place

Discover the therapeutic effects of voice work (body and mind relaxation, connection to oneself, etc...)

Tap into the joy to explore your voice and sing

Reconnect with your creativity and spontaneity

Cultivate and grow your sense of self-love and ground

Gain courage and confidence



🍀 6 LIVE group practices via Zoom (2h approximately), day and time TBD

🍀 Private Facebook group:

Plateform where you can share and exchange with group members and myself (Unlimited!), weekly guidance & homeworks


-Workshop with Margaux Frizon, physiotherapist and artist  !

-Singing circle, where we will specifically learn and discover new chants

🍀Access to the recordings

444 $CAD or 333 €

If you are ready, I am here to guide you on this journey, with Love, Care and Joy !


“This is a rare opportunity to express yourself, where anything is possible. I learned, I dared, I was inspired, I had a lot of fun, I used my 'voice', I freed myself from certain layers that no longer served me. ”

 oiseau coloré


“With you, gentleness and kindness go hand in hand with challenge and 'push the door a little more'. Thank you to you Léa, you knew how to lead me to the unsuspected or slightly forgotten place within myself. ”


“I, for whom singing was an ordeal, I rediscovered the joy of hearing my own voice! Léa opens the doors to music, but she also opens the floodgates of a flow of creation that wants to flow in each and every one of us and she helps us to face the roadblocks that blocked it. ”


"Does the bird sing because it is happy... ?

Or is it happy because it sings...?"

Jump and discover by yourself...

To register and/or have more details, feel free to contact me
Minimum of 4 participants  to start the journey

© 2023 by  Tyler Reece.  Proudly created with

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