Musician, accredited music therapist, sound therapist, and author-composer-performer, evolving since very young in the world of music, Léa transmits the benefits of this meeting, initiator of profound changes.
For several years, she has worked with children with multiple disabilities and dives with gratitude, curiosity and joy into the heart of non-verbal communication through the mediums of music, sound and voice._
She also facilitates workshops, sessions and retreats for those who want to reconnect with their voice to access a more authentic, rich and fulfilling life.
Finally, Léa dedicates part of her time to composition and performance. She offers her voice and her music during concerts and events.

Libère ta Voix
Animations musicales
Viens apprivoiser et explorer ta voix dans la joie et douceur
Cercles de chants
Cours individuel
Ateliers en ligne
Se rencontrer et rencontrer l'autre à travers la musique et le son
Conte musical adapté

Cours de piano
Viens découvrir ou approfondir ta pratique du piano à travers une méthode unique.
Pour enfants et adultes, niveau débutant à avancé

Yoga du ressentir
Découvre une pratique thérapeutique douce et puissante, qui te permettra de reconnecter à ton corps.
Cours de groupe en ligne et en personne
Yes, I want to receive teachings and news about up-coming events.